
SRTA Life & Rescue offers its services throughout Australia and Internationally from their head office in Tasmania.
Specialising in providing high risk safety services, from health and safety regulatory compliance to workplace safety training. SRTA Life & Rescue’s people make the difference, along with the belief that the core of any workplace safety program starts with a positive safety culture, this is what SRTA Life & Rescue’s business model has been founded on. SRTA Life & Rescue work closely with their clients to achieve their desired safety goals.
SRTA Life & Rescue believes in providing all your safety and emergency response needs through building partnerships with its clients and using a well thought out Holistic business model.

Transtegic provides workforce and business development solutions to a broad range of industries. Their services are designed to build operational effectiveness by enhancing workforce capabilities. Transtegic's professional and qualified team includes business consultants, training program designers, project managers, technical and document writers, graphic designers, and trainers and assessors. The head office is in Launceston Tasmania and are in their 15th year of operation servicing Australia and the South-East Asia region. Our client industries include; mining, forestry, manufacturing, energy sector, rail, construction and education.
We recognise that people are the most important resource in any business. We also understand that good people become exceptional people if they are upskilled and managed correctly. Transtegic will assist you to enhance your workforce capabilities with world-class resources and exceptional training. They work across Australia and overseas, so understand and embrace cultural differences and the need to provide environmentally sustainable growth in all industries.